Protocols/WebAPI/Auth/Client/clientLogin: Difference between revisions

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* HTTP Method
* HTTP Method
** POST <br /> ('''NOTE'''<nowiki>: All request parameters must passed in the POST body only, and not in the query string) </nowiki>
** POST <br /> ('''NOTE''': All request parameters must passed in the POST body only, and not in the query string)

* HTTP Header
* HTTP Header

Revision as of 16:26, 25 March 2020

WebAPI Protocol
Host Interaction
Other Services

This page is about the clientLogin method for WebAPI authentication.

Initial Request

  • HTTP Method
    • POST
      (NOTE: All request parameters must passed in the POST body only, and not in the query string)
  • HTTP Header
    • X-Forwarded-For (required if proxying clientLogin requests)
      • Clients/Servers using 'clientLogin' must pass the peer-ip from the requests they receive from their clients as X-Forwarded-For header in the 'clientLogin' request, so OpenAuth can enforce rate limits on the correct client IP. If the incoming request already has an X-Forwarded-For header, you should append peer-ip to it before sending it as X-Forwarded-For header in OpenAuth requests.
  • Arguments
    • devId (required)
      • your developer Id required to access NINA APIs
    • f (required)
      • the required format of the response (json or xml or qs)
    • s (required)
      • the loginID of the source user
    • language (optional)
      • the required language and locale of the error/status messages. This is always in "<lang>-<locale>" format. The lang is the 2 letter language code for I18N (default: en) and the locale is the 2 letter Locale code for I18N (default: us). If not passed in, the language will be extracted from HTTP header (Accept-Language) and if that is not available will default to "en-us". Check below for our current supported language list.
    • tokenType (optional)
      • "shortterm" (session based token - max life 24 hrs - default) or "longterm" (valid for 1 year) or any non-negative long value representing the required Token validity in seconds
    • c (optional)
      • the callback method to use when using jsonp convention (argument f = json)
    • r (optional)
      • an URL safe string to be used as requestId - when passed it is returned back in the response
    • pwd (optional)
      • User's Password when initiating the request for the first time or when Password challenge is returned in previous request
    • securid (optional)
      • User's SecurId when SecurId challenge is returned in previous request
    • asqAnswer (optional)
      • NINA Account Security Question's Answer when ASQ challenge is returned in previous request
    • word (optional)
      • Captcha Word when Captcha challenge is returned in previous request
    • context (optional)
      • Authentication Context returned in previous directLogin request when additional challenges are required
    • authMethod (optional)
      • Authentication Method required in addition to PWD (default)
      • Additional authMethod supported in this phase is "ASQ" (Account Security Question)
    • idType (optional)
      • You can pass value as "ICQ" to make sure you are authenticating an ICQ user (both numeric id and email alias)
      • No need to pass if you are just authenticating NINA/AIM users and even ICQ numeric ids only (not ICQ email aliases)
    • rlToken (optional)
      • Rate Limit Token obtained via a previous directLogin call with successful captcha challenge for the same user ('s' must match)
      • If user loginId doesn't match, rlToken would be ignored
    • clientName (optional)
      • An optional name of the Client
    • clientVersion (optional)
      • An optional version of the Client