Protocols/OSCAR/Foodgroups/FEEDBAG/Items: Difference between revisions

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Buddy ID#s and group ID#s are arbitrary, though some clients tend to do it sequentially. They cannot, however, be 0x0000, and each ID# must be unique to the item that contains it (ie. two buddies in the same group can not have the same ID#, but two buddies in different groups can have the same ID#. Also, two groups in the list can not have the same ID#)(actually, we're still not clear as an un-muddied lake on this)(it's possible that the ID#s are some kind of hash of the name).
For screen names to show up in your buddy list, you must be using a family version of 3 or later (the most recent is currently 4). If you are using 1 or 2, AIM sends you your buddy list, but where you would normally have "," they send "PleaseUpgrade000." The BID and GID are the same, and the list that's actually stored on the server still contains the screen name--you just have to sign on with a client supporting a newer version of the SSI protocol.
This is the generic structure of an "item" stored on the server.
2 bytes Length L1 of the following name
L1 bytes Name (can be buddy name, group name, permit buddy name, deny buddy name, or empty)
2 bytes Group ID#. The buddy list contains a "master group" which contains all other groups. This group has a group ID# of 0x0000.
2 bytes Buddy ID#. For groups, the buddy ID# is 0x0000.
2 bytes Type of item flag. This describes the type of item.
- 0x0000 - Buddies
- 0x0001 - Groups
- 0x0002 - Permit buddies (called the "Allow" list in AIM, and the "Visible" list in ICQ)
- 0x0003 - Deny buddies (called the "Block" list in AIM, and the "Invisible" list in ICQ). In ICQ you can still see the status of the other person when they are in your invisible list, but they can not see you
- 0x0004 - The permit/deny setting (TLV type 0x00ca), the bitmask of the class of AIM users who can see you (subtype 0x00cb)
- 0x0005 - Presence info (if others can see your idle status, etc.)
- 0x0009 - Maybe some preferences? Like "require authorization"? Name is "ICQTIC," additional data is a TLV of type 0x00cd containing "3672,0,2,1" (ICQ only)
- 0x000e - Ignore list (this might be ICQ only, I'm not sure). You will not get status updates or anything else from people in this list
- 0x000f - Unknown. Had the name "LastUpdateDate" Was modified when I changed my ICQ authorization setting. Contained a TLV of type 0x0145, length 4, data 0x41 f6 10 61. Possibly a timestamp?
- 0x0014 - Buddy icon info. These have names starting from "0" and incrementing by one each time.
- 0x0015 - List of "Recent Buddies." The TLV list contains a type 0x00c8 TLV containing buddy ID#s of screen names that were added automatically by the server because the "use recent buddies group" option was enabled.
- 0x015c - ICQ status note
2 bytes Length L2 of the following additional data
L2 bytes Additional data. Made up of a series of TLVs. Buddies can store a "buddy comment" for each buddy in a 0x013c TLV. Groups should store the buddy ID#s of all buddies in the group in a 0x00c8 TLV. See the TLV list temp stored in fg root for more detailed information.

Revision as of 04:14, 27 March 2020

OSCAR Protocol
UUIDsErrorsTool IDs
Host Interaction
Rate LimitsMigrationMessages
Other Services
Sign OnBARTRendezvous
OSERVICE (0x0001)
LOCATE (0x0002)
BUDDY (0x0003)
ICBM (0x0004)
ADVERT (0x0005)
INVITE (0x0006)
ADMIN (0x0007)
POPUP (0x0008)
PD (0x0009)
STATS (0x000B)
CHAT_NAV (0x000D)
CHAT (0x000E)
ODIR (0x000F)
BART (0x0010)
FEEDBAG (0x0013)
ICQ (0x0015)
BUCP (0x0017)
ALERT (0x0018)
PLUGIN (0x0022)
UNNAMED_FG_24 (0x0024)
MDIR (0x0025)
ARS (0x044A)