Protocols/OSCAR/Sign On

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OSCAR Protocol
UUIDsErrorsTool IDs
Host Interaction
Rate LimitsMigrationMessages
Other Services
Sign OnBARTRendezvous
OSERVICE (0x0001)
LOCATE (0x0002)
BUDDY (0x0003)
ICBM (0x0004)
ADVERT (0x0005)
INVITE (0x0006)
ADMIN (0x0007)
POPUP (0x0008)
PD (0x0009)
STATS (0x000B)
CHAT_NAV (0x000D)
CHAT (0x000E)
ODIR (0x000F)
BART (0x0010)
FEEDBAG (0x0013)
ICQ (0x0015)
BUCP (0x0017)
ALERT (0x0018)
PLUGIN (0x0022)
UNNAMED_FG_24 (0x0024)
MDIR (0x0025)
ARS (0x044A)

Connection overview

Connection Acknowledge

Authorization Request - notes from another

Authorization Successful Response - notes from another

Auth error notes from another

BOS Signon Request [Source: Client]

Send as the first command to the BOS connection. The Cookie comes from the Authorization Response.

Container	Data				TLV Type
RAW		FLAP Header (channel 0x01)
RAW		0x0000
RAW		0x0001
TLV		Authorization Cookie		0x0006

FLAP Login Sign On Errors (Temp)

Standard Format Login Errors during Phase 1

These occur in response to the initial Phase 1 login command sent from the client. All Standard Format login errors follow this format. This error command is always in the Command Family 0x04. All variable-length strings are assumed to be 1 byte long when doing position numbers.

Position Data Size Data
1 Word 0x0001
3 Word Screen Name Length (not including null)
5 ASCIIZ String Screen Name that failed (null-terminated)
6 Byte 0x04
7 Word Error Message URL Length (not including null)
9 ASCIIZ String Error Message URL (null-terminated)
10 Byte 0x08
11 Byte 0x00
12 Byte 0x02
13 Word Specific Error Code

The current list of known "Specific Error Code"s:

Specific Error Code Error Msg URL Meaning
0x0001 Invalid Screen Name
0x0005 SN/Pasword Mismatch (Invalid Password)


These tags are used in the FLAP signon frame to BOS. They appear right after the 4 byte version number.

@MAKE NOTE: Difference between ones used if BUCP is in use and ones if clientLogin or w/e was used

Name Tag Type Notes
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_CLIENT_IDENTITY 0x03 string Yet another client name
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_LOGIN_COOKIE 0x06 blob Login cookie returned by startOSCARSession
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_MAJOR_VERSION 0x17 uint16 (word) Client major version: (1) if the client version is "1.2.3"
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_MINOR_VERSION 0x18 uint16 (word) Client minor version: (2) if the client version is "1.2.3"
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_POINT_VERSION 0x19 uint16 (word) Client minor version: (3) if the client version is "1.2.3"
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_BUILD_NUM 0x1A uint16 (word) Client build number, usually monotonically increasing
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_MULTICONN_LEVEL 0x4A uint8 (byte) [Class: OSERVICE__MULTICONN_FLAGS] Should almost always be 0x01
OSERVICE__TLV_TAGS_CLIENT_RECONNECT 0x94 uint8 (byte) Client claims it is reconnecting because it got knocked off


These flags control how multiple instances are handled by the servers and if current sessions need to be bumped off when a new session signs on.

Name Value Notes
OSERVICE__MULTICONN_LEVEL_MULTI 0x01 This is a recent client that understands multiple instances
OSERVICE__MULTICONN_LEVEL_SINGLE 0x03 This is a recent client that understands multiple instances but does not want them