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Welcome to the best place on Earth. You have reached the NINA Wiki for protocols, client information, and APIs that were formerly parts of AOL, ICQ, QuantumLink, CompuServe, and so on. At one time these protocols were used by AOL's AIM and ICQ products, and later discontinued, it now has had a rebirth of sorts here.

We not only will fully document the protocols, but will maintain and update it.

Want to Help?

If you want to contribute to the NINA Wiki directly, you have to be a member, and so you must request an account by sending an email to with desired username and also a few words on what you have to contribute (for spam control). If accepted you will be sent a randomly generated password.

If you want to contribute something anonymously or without registering, send it to If anonymity is desired, state so, and after information is taken from your email it will be deleted and never archived, nor your detailed saved anywhere or revealed to anyone.

See what kind of things we are looking for in our Not Currently Documented section.

Currently Being Worked On