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AOL-Files Articles Downloads FDO91

All of these articles have been written by members of the AOL underground for this site or have given us permission to post their work here. All of the information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, if you notice an error in any of the articles please contact the webmaster (webmaster@fdo-files.com) and let us know.

Submit Your Own

Want to write an article? We would love it! After being reviewed by the staff your article would be posted on the main page and all the site's visitors would see it. If you are just beginning on AOL but you know something interesting or have some special skill and you want to get your reputation started then this is a good way to do it.

Status of the Exploits

Understand that all of the screen name exploits as well as the other major exploits and loop holes are inactive unless otherwise stated. All of these are intended to teach you about AOL's flaws and past exploits.

Screen Name Information

Creating Fake Accounts by Cam0

Another method of creating fake accounts using a new feature of AOL.

Suspended Screen Name Exploit by Cam0

This exploit allows anyone with a suspended account and password can turn that deactivated name into an AOL account.