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OSCAR Protocol
UUIDsErrorsTool IDs
Host Interaction
Rate LimitsMigrationMessages
Other Services
Sign OnBARTRendezvous
OSERVICE (0x0001)
LOCATE (0x0002)
BUDDY (0x0003)
ICBM (0x0004)
ADVERT (0x0005)
INVITE (0x0006)
ADMIN (0x0007)
POPUP (0x0008)
PD (0x0009)
STATS (0x000B)
CHAT_NAV (0x000D)
CHAT (0x000E)
ODIR (0x000F)
BART (0x0010)
FEEDBAG (0x0013)
ICQ (0x0015)
BUCP (0x0017)
ALERT (0x0018)
PLUGIN (0x0022)
UNNAMED_FG_24 (0x0024)
MDIR (0x0025)
ARS (0x044A)



There are three different types of rendezvous messages - propose, cancel, and accept.


This is the message that a client sends to the server to propose a rendezvous with another client. The tag values to be used in the TLV are the ones specified in RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS. Proposals typically specify either a RENDEZVOUS__CHANNEL or a RENDEZVOUS_IP_ADDR/PORT pair. If neither is specified, the systems which are rendezvousing must know out-of-band how to connect to each other (e.g., a server IP_ADDR compiled into a third party client).

If specifying RENDEZVOUS_IP_ADDR, the client may also specify PROPOSER_IP_ADDR which is the IP address that it identifies itself by, as found by a call to get_local_host. If PROPOSER_IP_ADDR is used, VERIFIED_IP_ADDR is added by the server before sending the RENDEZVOUS_PROPOSAL_TO_CLIENT.

VERIFIED_IP_ADDR may not be specified by the client in RENDEZVOUS_PROPOSAL_TOHOST. Likewise, if DOWNLOAD_URL is specified and the service UUID matches a well known service, the server may add VERIFIED_DOWNLOAD_URL. The client may not specify VERIFIED_DOWNLOAD_URL itself.

Additionally, the client can send any tags specific to a given service as long as the tag values fall outside the reserved range defined above.

NOTE: Reserved tag values MUST be at the beginning of the TLV. The server will stop parsing the TLV as soon as it encounters the first non-reserved tag.


This message is sent by the sender of a RENDEZVOUS_PROPOSAL_TOCLIENT in order to indicate a desire to cancel the rendezvous. Note that due to timing issues, the cancel may arrive at the other client after the other client has acted on the rendezvous proposal.

In other words, cancel is an advisory message only. The sender should take other precautions to prevent a rendezvous attempt from succeeding (e.g., shut down any systems which are listening, etc.).


This message is sent by the recipient of a PROPOSE in order to indicate that it has completed the rendezvous. It may contain modifications to the original PROPOSE TLVs indicating different levels of feature support (e.g., version negotiation).

Name Type Notes
type uint16 (word) [Class: ICBM__RENDEZVOUS_MESSAGE] What kind of rendezvous message is this
cookie ICBM Cookie Opaque data generated by conversation initiator and used to link up the conversation and errors
service UUID Identifies type of data message being exchanged
params Rest of SNAC array of TLV [Class: ICBM__RENDEZVOUS_TAGS] Message data and parameters


This is a type of rendezvous/data message.

Name Value Notes
RENDEZVOUS_MESSAGE_PROPOSE 0x00 Propose a rendezvous
RENDEZVOUS_MESSAGE_CANCEL 0x01 Cancel a proposal you generated
RENDEZVOUS_MESSAGE_ACCEPT 0x02 Accept a proposal someone else generated




These are the tags inside the DATA TLV of the RENDEZVOUS channel in ICBM.

Name Tag Type Notes
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_RENDEZVOUS_CHANNEL 0x01 uint16 (word) ICBM channel on which the rendezvous is to occur
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_RENDEZVOUS_IP_ADDR 0x02 uint32 (dword) IP address proposed for the rendezvous
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_REQUESTER_IP_ADDR 0x03 uint32 (dword) IP address of the proposing client
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_VERIFIED_IP_ADDR 0x04 uint32 (dword) IP address of the proposing client as seen by server; NOTE - this TLV may only be added by the server
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_PORT 0x05 uint16 (word) Port value of the client for rendezvous
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_DOWNLOAD_URL 0x06 string URL for downloading software to support the service
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_VERIFIED_DOWNLOAD_URL 0x08 string Same as DOWNLOAD_URL, but added by server if the service is well known; Note - this TLV may only be added by the server
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_SEQUENCE_NUM 0x0A uint16 (word) Identifies which proposal this is in the rendezvous conversation; the initial proposal has sequence_num 1; NOTE - this tag is required in *all* rendezvous *proposal* payloads and may only occur in proposal payloads; each proposal applying to a given rendezvous cookie increments the sequence_num by one
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_CANCEL_REASON 0x0B uint16 (word) [Class: ICBM__RENDEZVOUS_CANCEL_REASONS] Reason for cancelling a rendezvous; this tag must be present in all RENDEZVOUS_CANCEL payloads.
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_INVITATION 0x0C string Text inviting the other player to join
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_INVITE_MIME_CHARSET 0x0D string Charset used by the data
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_INVITE_MIME_LANG 0x0E string Language used by the data
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_REQUEST_HOST_CHECK 0x0F empty Requests that the server check caps for recipient
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_USE_ARS 0x10 empty Requests that the Rendezvous Server be used as a transport for the data
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_REQUEST_SECURE 0x11 empty Requests that SSL be used for the connection
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x12 uint16 (word) Maximum application protocol version supported
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x13 uint16 (word) Minimum application protocol version supported
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_COUNTER_REASON 0x14 uint16 (word) Reason for a counter proposal
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_INVITE_MIME_TYPE 0x15 string Content-type used by the data
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_IP_ADDR_XOR 0x16 uint32 (dword) Contains IP_ADDR ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - Used with recent clients to ensure that the IP_ADDR tlv is not tampered with or modified by a NAT since some NATs will change the IP_ADDR tlv when the proposal is sent
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_PORT_XOR 0x17 uint16 (word) PORT ^ 0xFFFF - Used with recent clients to ensure that the PORT tlv is not tampered with or modified by a NAT since some NATs will change the PORT tlv when the proposal is sent
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_ADDR_LIST 0x18 Array of string08 List of "IP port" pairs to try
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_SESSION_ID 0x19 string Identifier for session
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_ROLLOVER_ID 0x1A string Identifier of session to rollover
RENDEZVOUS_TLV_TAGS_SERVICE_DATA 10001 blob Service specific data