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Name Subgroup Origin Description
BUDDY__ERR 0x0001 Any This is the error SNAC for the BUDDY foodgroup.
BUDDY__RIGHTS_QUERY 0x0002 Client This SNAC is optionally sent by the client to discover the client's and user's rights.
BUDDY__RIGHTS_REPLY 0x0003 Host This is the response the host sends to a BUDDY__RIGHTS_QUERY SNAC.
BUDDY__ADD_BUDDIES 0x0004 Client Add buddy or buddies to Buddy List.
BUDDY__DEL_BUDDIES 0x0005 Client Remove buddy or buddies from Buddy List.
BUDDY__WATCHER_LIST_QUERY 0x0006 Client Query for other users who have current user listed.
BUDDY__WATCHER_SUB_REQUEST 0x0008 Client Watcher sub request.
BUDDY__WATCHER_NOTIFICATION 0x0009 Host Watcher sub notification.
BUDDY__REJECT_NOTIFICATION 0x000A Host This is sent in the event that one or more of the users specified in the user's Buddy List are overloaded with watchers.
BUDDY__ARRIVED 0x000B Host This notification, potentially batched, indicates that one or more users on the client's Buddy List has signed on or updated their information.
BUDDY__DEPARTED 0x000C Host This potentially batched notification indicates that one or more users on the client's Buddy List has signed off.
BUDDY__ADD_TEMP_BUDDIES 0x000F Client This SNAC adds one or more users to the client's temporary Buddy List.
BUDDY__DEL_TEMP_BUDDIES 0x0010 Client This SNAC deletes one or more users from the client's temporary Buddy List.