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Name Subgroup Origin Description
BART__ERR 0x0001 Any This is the error SNAC for the BART foodgroup.
BART__UPLOAD_QUERY 0x0002 Client This SNAC uploads a custom item to the BART host. Only certain types allow custom items.
BART__UPLOAD_REPLY 0x0003 Host These are the results for an item requested with BART__UPLOAD_QUERY.
BART__DOWNLOAD_QUERY 0x0004 Client Legacy request buddy icon from host.
BART__DOWNLOAD_REPLY 0x0005 Host Legacy host response to a buddy icon request.
BART__DOWNLOAD2_QUERY 0x0006 Client This SNAC downloads an asset from the BART host.
BART__DOWNLOAD2_REPLY 0x0007 Host These are the results for an item requested with BART__DOWNLOAD2_QUERY.