Portal:AOL-Files/Articles/Suspended Screenname Exploit

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(Originally by AOL-Files staff member Cam0 on 2004-02-20)

This new exploit became extremely popular in early January (around the 15th). Once indents were pathced on Mac systems, AOL 2.5 and 2.7 were disabled in registering new accounts but what happend wasn't as planned.

Make sure you are using AOL 4.0 or 5.0 with the Star Tool at hand.

Open your client and go to the menu titled "Set Version Number"

AOL-Files Fakes revision.jpg

Set the box as pictured above. 99.1 is a version of 2.5 that had the ability to register accounts still.

Now Sign On to New User and input a Registration Certificate as follows.

AOL-Files Fakes cert.jpg

Once it went through, you would use Tau's Modal Tool downloadable here and Kill the Modal. From the Star Tool go to Invoke Database Record and put in 32-6538, you should see the AIM Selection Window

Put in the suspended AIM screen name and Password for that screen name. Just continue the registration process and you had yourself an AOL'd suspended account. These accounts lasted a MAXIMUM of a week or as long as up to 20 minutes.

When I called AOL to get "Cam0" back the customer rep had told me, "This account was made with hacker software and may not be reactivated".

This exploit no longer works as of February 7, 2004.