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You can send an e-mail saying "<your-name> wants to talk to you!" to a specified e-mail address with the SDC command. It's a payload command.

Sent to server


SDC trid invite_passport locale_id MSMSGS WindowsMessenger X X your_name length\r\n
    your_message (no newline)


  • trid: Transaction ID
  • invite_passport: The passport email address to invite.
  • locale_id: Believed to be the hexadecimal Protocols/MSNP/Locale ID - eg "0x0409" for US English
  • your_name: The URL encoded name of the person sending the invitation.
  • length: The length of the payload (the part after the \r\n)
  • your_message: A personal message of the person sending the invitation.

Server returns


SDC trid OK

Other notes

It appears that you can only invite MS Passport members. The "MSMSGS WindowsMessenger X X" parameters in the SDC command you send to the server are unknown. However, it is noticed that changing the MSMSGS parameter to something else results in a 710 error.


If I wanted to contact someone with the address "", with the message "Hi Mike!", I might send the following:

>>> SDC 3 0x0409 MSMSGS WindowsMessenger X X Andrew%20Sayers 8\r\n
    Hi Mike! (no newline)

If the message was successfully sent, the server will return an SDC response with a TrID and a single parameter of "OK":

<<< SDC 21 OK\r\n