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Doge: DKmiaCgjTbTuCqkUntekyxVgg8qpSmwkCG
Doge: (Email for current address)

USD-D/USDT/WDGLD/AAVE/YFI: 0x3780D9c3558bDa0C7Cea563BE36BD5EF94875e0b
USD-D/USDT/WDGLD/AAVE/YFI: 0x3780D9c3558bDa0C7Cea563BE36BD5EF94875e0b

Revision as of 05:31, 11 June 2021

The NINA project (reviving AIM, AOL, and more) and Escargot (MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger), both the programming aspect and the documentation is a full time job, it's all I do at this point, not that I'm complaining because I do enjoy it. It does, however, cost money to host the site, and the servers, not to mention general cost of living.

When the service is fully operating, it will have more cost associated with it and I don't plan on having ads nor selling private information, certainly never the latter. I want to keep things running with as little downtime as possible, and that unfortunately has costs and time associated with it.

If you're interested in donating, please click the link below and donate whatever you feel like. You can also send directly via PayPal, with the email address

Donors and Patrons receive special roles on our Discord and receive early access to our various projects.

If you know any more convenient methods people like to use for donations, please let me know on Discord or email


Donate convertly like James Bond or something.


BTC: bc1qz54pk7a0qm3g4qutwz388cyjy8u36n5ce8trlm

ETH: 0x3780D9c3558bDa0C7Cea563BE36BD5EF94875e0b


BCH: bitcoincash:qpwe2awpmme5v3n5crsfqfpkm244vem4hqu7jh0nz0


Doge: (Email for current address)

USD-D/USDT/WDGLD/AAVE/YFI: 0x3780D9c3558bDa0C7Cea563BE36BD5EF94875e0b


The reward structure varies depending on how you donate. For Patreon-specific ones, which are more numerous, come with cooler roles, and more benefits, see our Patreon page.

This list only applies to people who do one-time donations via all other services or methods.

  • You may donate any amount, not just ones listed here there are no minimums or limits.
  • All amounts are in USD.
  • Amounts in other currencies are based upon the exchange rate at the time of donation.
Amount Discord Role Details
< $5 No We appreciate any donation amount, it helps fund services
$5+ Yes (Supporter) Beta and #development channel access *
$20+ Yes (Supporter) Alpha, beta and #development channel access *
$50+ Yes (Supporter) All access *
$100+ Yes (Supporter) All access *, ad-free service, optional 3 character name
$250+ Yes (Sustainer) All access, ad-free service, optional 2 or 3 character name

* Access only applies if you have a registered account with the given service, it does not include any pay-to-play services which we may have.

If you want further details see see the FAQ below, join our Discord's support channel, or email


What is an "ad-free experience"?

On services where we have ads, we will not display ads where possible. In some cases clients will show ads regardless because there's no way to tell which user is requesting the ad service.

Do you take hardware/VM/hosting donations?

No and not under any circumstances, we don't even want them for free.

Why don't you want my hardware/VM/hosting? It's great and I'm super trustworthy, I swear! You know me!

That doesn't matter, after 30 years of online experience with hosting, something always goes wrong: people don't keep their stuff up to date and it gets hacked, they don't pay their bills and it goes down disrupting service, they get mad at someone and force it down, they share data that's on it for no reason other than just because, they accidentally destroy the VM because they thought it was another one I swear it won't happen again, I was on vacation when the server went down so it took me a month to get it back up,... and so on, and so on, and so on. We've heard it all, and don't ever want to hear it again. We'd just rather pay for it ourselves.

My host is better, you should use this account or service.

We've priced everything out and we structure everything with care, we don't do fly-by-night switchovers to new servers nor would we subject users to that. Please stop suggesting it, either because the host is so cheap it's unreliable garbage, or it's more expensive than you think it is compared to other things.

If I donate, can I act like an annoying idiot and avoid getting banned?

Please don't donate.