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Name Subgroup Origin Description
BUCP__ERR 0x0001 Any This is the error SNAC for the BUCP foodgroup.
BUCP__LOGIN_REQUEST 0x0002 Client Client login request.
BUCP__LOGIN_RESPONSE 0x0003 Host Host login response, will contain reconnect information with login cookie or an error code and/or URL.
BUCP__REGISTER_REQUEST 0x0004 Client Client registration for legacy ICQ clients.
BUCP__REGISTER_RESPONSE 0x0005 Host Host response to BUCP__REGISTER_REQUEST. May contain confirmation of registration or an error code and/or URL.
BUCP__CHALLENGE_REQUEST 0x0006 Client Request challenge for login request.
BUCP__CHALLENGE_RESPONSE 0x0007 Host Response to BUCP__CHALLENGE_REQUEST with challenge.
BUCP__ASASN_REQUEST 0x0008 Client AOL Suggest A Screenname Request, suggests screennames based on other parameters.
BUCP__ASASN_RESPONSE 0x0009 Host Response to BUCP__ASASN_REQUEST with a list of suggestions
BUCP__SECURID_REQUEST 0x000A Host Host SecurID request for client to continue logging in.
BUCP__SECURID_RESPONSE 0x000B Client Client response to BUCP__SECURID_RESPONSE with SecurID code.