Sent following a unmatched SYN's response. A value of 'AL' indicates that all Messenger users who are not on the Block List are allowed to see the client's online status and start a chat session with the client. A value of 'BL' indicates that these users will see the client as offline and will not be allowed to start a chat session.
BLP setting
- setting: A string value of either 'AL' or 'BL'
Starting with MSNP13, the BLP value must be retrieved using the Addressbook ABCH SOAP Service (as discussed on the Protocols/MSNP/MSNP13/Changes page). You can find the value by looking for the MSN.IM.BLP Annotation on the Me contact.
Once the value has been retrieved it must be published to the service:
BLP TrID setting
- setting: A string value of either 'AL' or 'BL'
See also: initial ADL