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Sent after a successfull ANS authentication. This command means Initial Roster as stated in the official IETF draft (pg 7).

Defines all parties in a switchboard session, known as the roster. Sent as many times as rostercount, one for each participant.

<<< IRO trid index rostercount passport friendlyname

Changed in version 13 to

<<< IRO trid index rostercount passport friendlyname clientid
  • trid : Transaction ID
  • index : The ordinal of the participant. Increases from 1 to rostercount in successively received IROs.
  • rostercount : Count of the total number of participants in this session.
  • passport : Passport account-name of this participant.
  • friendlyname : URL encoded MSN friendly-name of same. This is not the current friendly-name as known to the Protocols/MSNP/Notification Server, but the one the participant had when joining the session. However, this field can be useful because it provides a display name even when the participant is not on your contact list.
  • clientid: Client ID of the participant.

The client shall not respond to this command.