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WebAPI Protocol
Host Interaction
Other Services

This page is about WebAPI Buddy List methods, in a series for the WebAPI reference manual.


Add a buddy to the Buddy List.


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication
String buddy [Required] buddy name. Can be multipled.
String group [Required] group name to add buddy to

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Add an empty group to the buddylist.


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid [Required] Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication
String group [Required] group name to add

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Remove a buddy from the buddylist.


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String buddy [Required] buddy name
String group [Required] group name to remove buddy from

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Remove a group from the buddylist when possible, if the group doesn't exist the API still returns SUCCESS


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String group [Required] group name to remove

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Rename a group in the buddylist.


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String oldGroup [Required] Name of group to rename
String newGroup [Required] New name for group

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 If oldGroup doesn't exist or if newGroup already exists

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Set an attribute for a buddy


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String buddy [Required] buddy name
String friendly Friendly name

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Get some buddy's attributes


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String buddy [Required] buddy name

Output Fields

Type Field Description
String friendly Friendly name
String smsNumber SMS number for buddy
String workNumber Work number for buddy
String otherNumber Other number for buddy

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession

Example: ===

Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Set an attribute for a group


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String group [Required] group name
Boolean collapsed Is the group collapsed or not

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Move a group


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String group [Required] Group to move. Recent Buddies and Offline groups can't be moved
String beforeGroup Move the group before this group, if missing or group does not exist moving to the end.

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession

Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Move a buddy inside a group


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
String group [Required] Group buddy is in
String buddy [Required] Buddy to move
String beforeBuddy Move the buddy before this buddy, if not specified move the buddy to the end of the group

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession

Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Copy entire Buddy List and all host based settings from one account to another account. The existing Buddy List and all host based settings of the copy-to account will be completely replaced. This method is tricky in that two tokens must be provided


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k [Required] the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String s Use trusted authentication, the source user
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
String ta [Required] Target token, where the source users buddylist should be copied to

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call


Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Delete user's entire Buddy List with option to bump user offline if the user is online.


Input Parameters

Type Field Description
Format f [Required] The format of the data returned
String c JSONP callback
String r Request id
String k the AIM Web Key from - use the same key for all calls
String aimsid Use an AIM Session Id from the startSession call for authentication - k is not required
String a Use an NINA Authentication Token for authentication, from the getToken call
Integer ts Epoch timestamp - clientLogin required parameter
String sig_sha256 Signature - clientLogin required parameter.
Boolean noBumpUser Is the user going to be bumped offline or not. By default, the user will be bumped off

Common Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Authorization required
460 Missing required parameter
462 Parameter error

Common Status Detail Codes

Status Detail Code Description
1004 Referer used to create token doesn't match referer of call
1014 Signature is bad, see the signature notes of startSession

Sample JSON Output


Sample XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>