Channel.Initialize Method
Signals the remote MSN® Messenger client that the Activity is ready to accept events. In the remote application, fires the OnRemoteAppLoaded event.
VBScript Syntax
JavaScript Syntax
Return Values.
No return value.
This method is needed to ensure that applications start only after both are ready to receive events. To avoid losing events, an application must wait for this indication that the remote client is ready to communicate.
An application may need to perform some task at startup before it is ready to accept events; for example, Microsoft® .NET Passport authentication.
The first application that is ready calls Initialize and displays a message that it is waiting. The second application that is ready calls Initialize and fires OnRemoteAppLoaded in the first. If the second application is delayed or fails to start, the OnRemoteAppLoaded event will not fire. If the application appears to be waiting for a long time, the user has the option to close that instance of the application and invite again.