Requesting Usage of Special Permissions
If you want to add special permissions to your Activity(as described in the [[P../../Techref/Flags/Permission|Permission Flags]] section of the "Technical Reference" area of this software development kit [SDK]), you must request their inclusion by writing to the MSN Support alias ( You must provide a detailed description explaining why special permissions are needed and how they will be used. In addition, the MSN� Support team may ask you to supply code for your application detailing how you will implement the permissions. The agreement will also govern use of the extra permissions. Unless the Support team sets express permissions, all extra permission flags are disabled (set to False in the MSGRP2P.xml file). For more information about the MSGRP2P.xml file, see [[P../../Techref/Testing/Localxml|Permission Flags]].
If you want to use any of the special permissions that collect user information, you must notify the user what information you are collecting and how you will use it.