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MSNP Protocol
Activity SDK
Introduction to the MSN Messenger Activity API
Key Requirements for a MSN Messenger Activity
Introduction to MSN Messenger Activity API
Overview of MSN Messenger Activity API
Activities Menu
System Requirements
Standard vs. Advanced Applications
Supported Countries and Languages
MSN Messenger Activity API Support
Copyright Information
MSN Messenger Activity API Process
MSN Messenger Activity Process Overview
Supporting Documentation
Requesting Usage of Special Permissions
Submitting Pre-compliance Testing Results
MSN Requirements for Developing an Activity API Application
Additional Activity API Application Development Requirements
Selecting Development Options
Activity API Restrictions
Developing a MSN Messenger Activity
Development Considerations
Getting Started
Required Definitions
Document Body Basics
Single-User Application
Multiuser Application
Designing MSN Messenger Activity Graphics
Testing an Activity
Testing Overview
The Local XML File
Test Environment Setup
Increasing MSN Messenger Activity Usage
Understanding How to Increase Activity Usage with MSN
Design Considerations for Increased Activity Usage
Calling the MSN Messenger Client Directly
Calling the MSN Messenger Client from a URL
Using the MSN Messenger Variables
Technical Reference
Obtaining Access to Restricted Features
Permission Flags
ActiveX Flag
EnableIP Flag
PassportSiteID Flag
ReceiveIM Flag
ReplaceIM Flag
SendFile Flag
SendIM Flag
UserProperties Flag
The Activity Object Model
ConnectionType Enumeration
FileStatus Enumeration
CloseApp Method
Channel Object
OnAppClose Event
OnDataError Event
OnDataReceived Event
OnFileProgress Event (Restricted)
OnFileReceived Event (Restricted)
OnIMReceived Event (Restricted)
OnRemoteAppClosed Event
OnRemoteAppLoaded Event
OnSendFileCancelled Event (Restricted)
OnTypeChanged Event
CancelSendFile Method (Restricted)
EnterIM Method (Restricted)
Initialize Method
SendData Method
SendFile Method (Restricted)
SendIM Method (Restricted)
SendIMAsUser Method (Restricted)
Data Property
Error Property
FileInfo Property (Restricted)
Type Property
IM (read-only) Property (Restricted)
IM (read-write) Property (Restricted)
Error Object
Type Property
Data Property
FileInfo Object
Path Property
Size Property
Progress Property
Incoming Property
Status Property
Messenger Object
Options Method
Phone Method
User Object
EMail Property (Restricted)
GlobalIP Property (Restricted)
LocalIP Property (Restricted)
Name Property (Restricted)
PUID Property (Restricted)
Users Collection
Item Method
_NewEnum Method
Count Property
Me Property
Inviter Property
Error ListCommandsRelying Party SuiteSpotlife
XMPPHTTP GatewayTabsActivities
Development ToolsMSNP Grid
PolygamyURLs used by MSN
Protocol Versions
Version 21
Version 18
Version 16
Version 15
Version 14
Version 13
Version 12
Version 11
Version 9
Version 8
Version 2
IntroductionP2PObject DescriptorDisplay PicturesFile Transfer
Microsoft Messenger for Mac

The Local XML File

The file MSGRP2P.xml, once copied to the appropriate location on local file system, will cause MSN® Messenger to display an additional menu item called Start (Name), where (Name) is defined by the Name element in the MSGRP2P.xml file. This item is added to the Actions menu of the Messenger Conversation window for MSN Messenger 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2. For MSN Messenger 7.0 (and later), the item will be added to either the Games or Activities menu. (For more information about how this file operates, see Testing Overview.)

You can test only one Activity per computer at a time. Your test application can be signed with any permissions you want. Clicking the Start(Name) menu command launches the test application in the same way an application would be launched from the live Activities menu.

Following is an example of the MSGRP2P.xml test file, followed by a description of each of its elements. The test file must be placed in the directory where Messenger is installed. This directory typically is C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Error />
  <Name>Tic Tac Toe</Name>
  <Description>Come and play the Tic Tac Toe game!</Description>
  <IconURL />

The elements of this file are described in the following table.

Element Description
EntryID Specifies the entry ID. Must be 7 for test programs.
Error Indicates a known problem with the application. For testing, leave blank. Note that a closing tag is not required for an empty element.
Locale Contains a locale identifier that specifies the region of the application. For example, en-us represents U.S. English.
Kids Indicates that the application is suitable for a user with a Microsoft® Kids Passport. Use 1 for yes, 0 for no.
Page Indicates how the application will be listed in the Activities menu. If this value is 1, the application is listed on the front page of the directory. If 2, the application is listed after the user clicks More Programs... in the directory.
Category Used by Microsoft to specify the category in the MSN Messenger menu under which the application will appear (for example, "Activities"). Use 50 for testing.
Sequence Used by Microsoft to determine the placement of the application within the MSN Messenger menu category. Use 10 for testing.
Name Installs the name of the application in the MSN Messenger menu, under the Actions menu.
Description Contains a description of the application.
URL-int, URL-ppe Reserved. Used by Microsoft to set up the application in an internal testing environment.
URL-production Specifies the address where the application is hosted in the production (or "live") environment. The address must be specified using HTTP format.
IconURL-int, IconURL-ppe Reserved. Used by Microsoft to set up the application in an internal testing environment.
IconURL-production Specifies the Web address from which the icon for the application can be loaded. Optional.
PassportSiteID-int, PassportSiteID-ppe Reserved. Used by Microsoft to set up the application in an internal testing environment.
PassportSiteID-production Specifies a number that identifies the credentials that allow a server to authenticate users using Microsoft .NET Passport services in the Production environment. Use 0 if the PassportSiteID permission flag is not used.
Type Specifies the type of application (either app or dir). For applications, use app. For games, use dir.
Height Specifies the requested height. The Messenger client will try to accommodate this height request by resizing the window. If the height cannot be accommodated by resizing, the application will be given the maximum height available (500 pixels) without distorting the chat function.
Width Specifies the requested width. The Messenger client will try to accommodate this width request by resizing the window. If the width cannot be accommodated by resizing, the application will be given the maximum width available (500 pixels) without distorting the chat function.
Location Indicates the requested location (side or bottom). At this time, only one Activity can be run at a time, and it is displayed on the side of the Conversation window.
MinUsers Specifies the minimum number of players required by the application. For a single player, use 1. For multiple players, use 2.
MaxUsers Specifies the maximum number of players allowed for the application. For a single player, use 1. For multiple players, use 2.
PassportSiteID Indicates whether Microsoft .NET Passport authentication is required. If authentication is required, use 1; otherwise, use 0.
UserProperties Indicates (True or False) whether the application can access user properties such as Friendly Name. If True, the application can access user properties.
EnableIP Indicates (True or False) whether the application has access to IP information. If True, the application has access to IP information.
ActiveX Indicates (True or False) whether the application can host ActiveX® controls. If True, the application can host controls.
SendFile Indicates (True or False) whether the application can send a file to the remote application. If True, the application can send a file.
SendIM Indicates (True or False) whether the application can send instant messages that appear to come from the application. If True, the application can send such messages.
SendIMAsUser Indicates (True or False) whether the application can send instant messages that appear to come from the user. If True, the application can send such messages.
ReceiveIM Indicates (True or False) whether the application can access incoming instant messages. If True, the application can access such messages.
ReplaceIM Indicates (True or False) whether the application can intercept and change incoming instant messages. If True, the application can intercept and change such messages.
MaxPacketRate Reserved. Specifies the maximum data transfer rate during an indirect connection. The default value is 120.
Windows Indicates (True or False) whether the application can launch new browser windows. If True, the application can launch new windows.
ClientVersion Specifies which version of MSN Messenger the application is designed for. Choices are 6, 7, or higher values (required for MSN Messenger 6, 7, or later versions) if the application is specifically designed for a particular version of the MSN Messenger application.  If the application does not require a specific version of the MSN Messenger client, provide no value.
AppType Indicates whether the application type is an application or a game. To display the application in the games menu, use 1; otherwise, use 0.
Hidden Indicates (True or False) whether the application is visible to the user. If True, the application is invisible to the user. 

Certain characters have special meaning in XML and must be encoded to appear in an XML tag.

The following table lists special characters that must be represented by an XML-encoded entity reference.

Character Entity Reference
& &
' '
" "
< <
> >